In selecting DO as my One Little Word for 2011, it comes with the assumption that I will be doing something. So here it is, my list of do's for this year:
Do eat better. I will striving to have a green salad everyday, a fruit and/or vegetable with every meal, and try one new food a week. (You will notice there is no mention of eliminating my Starbucks addiction from my diet. I will, however, resist the temptation to up-size to their new trente size.) For the most part, I eat pretty well. I could do better.
The other thing with eating better? Lose some weight (again). It is a sad realization that I can longer eat the way I used to in my twenties, thirties or even early forties! The reality is, I'm in mid-life. The total amount of food I can consume and still maintain my weight is incredibly small. In Weight Watchers jargon that is 29 points (under their new plan). That's a do. As in, do rejoin Weight Watchers. Actually, I've already done this about three weeks ago; I dislike being so predictable as to join at the beginning of a new year! Weight Watchers works for me when I stick to it. I like being able to track my food. I like being able to eat whatever I want because really, eating so-called diet foods will only carry you along so far. Eventually you will have to face down that pan of brownies. (And they have 6 points each.) I'm not really sure how their new zero points for fruits and vegetables is going to work out for me; I will have to get back to you on that one.
Do start a yoga practice. About ten years ago I was really into yoga. I attended yoga classes three to four times a week. It was (and still is) the solitary practice that I enjoyed. Non-competitive. A way to get inside myself and quiet down all those voices. Last Christmas (not the one which just past, the one before that) my daughter gave me a gift certificate for a series of ten classes at a local yoga studio. I am ashamed to say that I let it sit unused until now. Next week I will start a yoga class. I am looking forward to it.
These are my top three for now. Back later with more.