February 2011 will be remembered as the month that I got sick, stayed sick and got sicker. I came down with the flu on the first of the month--fever, cold, cough, aches--all those Nyquil symptoms. A week later, the aches and cold were gone but I continued with a hacking cough and a low-grade fever that would not go away. A week later, a bronchial infection. More coughing. And more coughing.
It is now the end of the month. The cough has finally calmed down. I feel healthy again.
Needless to say, but pretty much all I did in February was sleep, take Advil, antibiotics, and cough suppressants, and drag myself to work when I had to. On the rare day I felt well enough (that is to say, all my meds were kicking in at the same time), I spent time with my girlies.
I am looking forward to March, the beginning of spring and feeling healthy.